11 December 2008


The article I chose to comment on “Bush Can’t Just Leave!” can be found on Andrew’s Blog. Personal preferences aside, I found that Andrew chose a very interesting topic and included a credible source for his facts and information. He was successful in making his argument that last-minute changes by the Bush Administration will have a direct, negative impact on our environment. It is interesting to learn that the Bush Administration plans on making many changes which will have immediate effects on the environment. Some great examples of these changes such as changing power plant regulations; allowing agencies in charge of their own projects to determine whether or not they are endangering a species; and re-classifying water regulations are all clearly described in Andrew’s article.

While I do not agree that the main purpose of the administration changes is strictly to cause harm to the environment, I do think that the lack of logical explanation behind them coupled with the suggestion that the administration is cutting corners is completely unacceptable. Now, it seems, may be too late to prevent any of these changes from occurring. We can only hope things will improve in the future, and yes, I also think that Obama has his work cut out for him.

I personally found this article refreshing as it addressed a topic, the environment, which frequently seems to be overshadowed by other Bush Administration news (crime). I believe that Andrew’s article is intended for anyone who is concerned with the Bush Administration, the environment, and even the transition of power from President Bush to Obama.

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